Got Time?

I never quite understood the concept of time as we know it today until I decided to change the way I look at the present time we live in. I remember my childhood when time really moved very slowly but with each passing year it seems to move rapidly. I realize that I can do something about the way I experience time. So this blog is an experiment in real time

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Location: Tallahassee, Florida, United States

I have lived on two continents and experienced life at its extremes. The simple truth is that people are the same irrespective of race, color or creed. Everyone wants to love and be loved by others.

Monday, May 01, 2006

So what is time?

So now that I understood the origin or the history of time, I asked myself so What is time? We are so preoccupied by it that we wake up and go to bed based on this concept. So I wanted to read more about it..there is no point reinventing the wheel..Let me see what else has been written about this.

I am positive that others before me must have had thought this question for themselves. Every thing we see today seems like it was already there before. At least if you have imagined it in your minds, it must be possible to see it for yourself..Isn't that what they say..If you can dream it, you can see it happen in reality..Didn't people of olden days dream things about the future..I guess they did..So I thought more and came across this link in my search for the answer to "So what is Time?


Blogger NoViCe said...

What is time? All I know is it doesn't stop :)

8:42 AM  
Blogger Hermit said...

ok, now you have it but then you don''s a fleeting moment that transcends's like "air" don't see it, but you believe it is there..similarly, you believe there is still time left (at least for you!!!), but you never know when it will be pulled from under your feet..might be will stop dead in its tracks and then "eternity" has no why keep track of it unless you are so bored to death (excuse the pun)..let those who invented time keep track of it..all you have to do is ask people across the globe..What time it is? and you will be surprised that everyone says it is a different time based on where they are on planet then why do we bother so much about it..are we somehow waiting to be there when it really stops (we don't want to left out or rather "left behind") to see what happens next!!!!!..Ha..Human Curiosity has no limits..see how far it got us in trouble and we still want more of you want me to stop..I guess I'll take a breather for now..

1:08 AM  

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