What is then the purpose of time?
Why is everyone so fearful of death? Ever experienced a person who is dying? What is it like? Is there an urgency to matters especially when someone is told they have 3 more months to live? How often do we keep track of time then? Do we count the years, months, days, seconds of every waking moment typically? Why then does time matter when we someone tells us we are so close to dying? Is this fear of losing track of time so dreadful that we have to keep track of it?
On somedays we feel like time is moving very slow on other days it seems to fly. What if at the end of one's earthly life, there is no more time left. Just like a clock running down, human concept of time has run down and it is a spiritual life.
Humans are the only ones spending so much time worrying about the soul and spiritual matters. What if there is a concept of time, like eternity, where there is no beginning and no end. What if, we did not pay heed to that concept of spiritual reality all of our earthly life? What if the price for not heeding that call is too costly? Is there a way out? Humans spend a lot of time, money and energy trying to prolong life. When are we gonna realize that everyone dies ultimately. Every human being born has to die someday. What happens after that is the question that has plagued our understanding of what really time is. Today is all we got, Now is what we have. Seize the moment, make a change within yourself and there is only one way about it. It is better to be good than to be evil. It is better to love than to hate. It is better to prevent than finding a cure. It is better to forgive than to exact revenge. It is better that someone paid the price than none at all.